Emergencies > Donations

first aid 1882053 - aebopleidingen, CC0
Who can provide me with clothes and other necessities?
In larger cities there are several closets and social department stores where you can get donated clothes for free or for a very small fee. Again, you have to give a proof of your neediness for that. You will receive a document for that in your local social welfare office. In addition to clothing, you might also get electrical and household items in the social department stores. Also some private providers sell or give used things on the Internet.
When buying items on the Internet, you should be careful. Try to find out the general prices of the items in advance. This helps both to recognize the value and it also protects you from scams. Unfortunately, there are some people who want to gain profit out of your inexperience. You should be particularly careful with purchasing things where you have to sign a contract. In signing this you might end up contracting a long-term commitment to a seller. This may also lead you into dept. Seek advice in advance in such cases from people that you can trust.
I need clothes.
Ich brauche Kleidung.
I need clothes for ...
Ich brauche Kleidung für ...
... me
... mich.
... my family
... meine Familie
... my husband
... meinen Mann
... my wife
... meine Frau
... my daughter
... meine Tochter
... my son
... meinen Sohn
... a man
... einen Mann
... a woman
... eine Frau
... a child
... ein Kind
Where can I find a social department store?
Wo finde ich ein Sozialkaufhaus?
How do I get to the clothing chamber?
Wie gelange ich zur Kleiderkammer?
I need a clothes donation.
Ich benötige eine Kleiderspende.
I can /can't prove my indigence.
Ich kann meine Bedürftigkeit nachweisen/nicht nachweisen.
I need a certification of my indigence.
Ich benötige eine Bescheinigung über meine Bedürftigkeit.