Emergencies > Food & Supply

first aid 1882053 - aebopleidingen, CC0
Where can I get something to eat?
In Germany there is a variety of non-profit organizations that distribute food donations to people in need. The largest organization with locations throughout Germany is “die Tafel”. To receive food donations, you must prove your need. A right to receive donations have for example unemployed or retired people with a small income. You can usually receive a certificate at your local social security office.
The food donations usually come from restaurants or supermarkets and are only distributed when they meet the high quality standards of legal regulations but can no longer be used in the economic process. This is the case for example when it was packed wrong or is close to the expiration date.
I am hungry.
Ich habe Hunger.
I am thirsty.
Ich habe Durst.
Can I get a food donation from you?
Kann ich bei Ihnen eine Essensspende erhalten?
I can/can't prove my indigence.
Ich kann meine Bedürftigkeit nachweisen/nicht nachweisen.
I need a certification of my indigence.
Ich benötige eine Bescheinigung über meine Bedürftigkeit.
Where is the nearest shop where I can buy groceries?
Wo ist das nächste Geschäft, wo ich Lebensmittel einkaufen kann?
How do I get to the Tafel?
Wie gelange ich zur Tafel?
When will the food distribution take place at the Tafel?
Wann finden bei der Tafel Essenausgaben statt?