Welcome to Göttingen

For more family friendliness in Saxony

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Καταστάσεις έκτακτης ανάγκης > Τρόφιμα και συμπλήρωμα

Goettinger Tafel e.V. place of issue Holtenser Berg

Göttingen’s Food Bank (Göttinger Tafel e.V.), a registered charity, hands out free food given by donations to those people receiving state benefits.
The customer card required to use this service can be obtained for a small fee by giving proof of eligibility as well as proof of identity for all those living in the household (e.g. identity card, child identity card or birth certificate).

Londonstraße 11 A
37079 Göttingen
0551 51030

Mon: 15:00 - 15:30Thu: 11:00 - 11:30